
Asphalt shingles

Roofers are licensed roofing contractors who focus on repairing or replacing roofs. They can be small or large, and offer services like zero-percent financing.

They often complete complicated tasks in unpleasant weather conditions and work high above the ground. They require physical strength, problem sensitivity, and customer service skills. Contact Roofing Company Corpus Christi now!

Residential roofers work on single- and multi-family homes. They install, repair and replace roofs. They may also repair and install siding, windows, gutters, chimneys and skylights. They use ladders and scaffolding to access rooftops, and they work with a variety of tools including roofing shovels, pry bars, hammers, drills, nails, shingles, shears, tin snips, pliers and tape measures. Roofers are often required to take safety precautions when working at heights and must complete training in fall protection.

Storm chaser roofers work on insurance claims and focus on neighborhoods that have experienced recent weather damage. They may be able to help homeowners navigate the insurance process and find financing for new roofs. They also offer a number of warranty options, from labor-only to material-only warranties. They may also provide a sales presentation and act as the point person for all questions until the project is finished. They are a good choice for those who have time constraints because they work quickly. They can typically complete a full roof in one day. However, they often leave behind a mess for the homeowner to clean up.


Commercial roofers can install and repair a variety of different types of roofs. They also install metal roof coverings and use various tools to re-roof, insulate, and repair structures. Commercial roofers often work on high-rise buildings, and they may need to use scaffolding for safe access. They also use glazing, cement, and caulking to prevent water leakage or rusting.

Commercial roofing is more complex than residential roofing, and it requires experience working with different materials and designs. Using unqualified roofers could result in expensive repairs or premature replacement. Hiring professional commercial roofers can help businesses save money and protect their investment in the long run.

When looking for a commercial roofer, it is important to consider their past projects. This will give you an idea of their quality and workmanship. It is also a good idea to ask for references from previous customers. By doing this, you can ensure that the commercial roofer will provide a high-quality job for your business.

In addition to experience, commercial roofers should have excellent customer service skills. This is especially important when dealing with high-rise buildings. For example, a commercial roofer should be able to deal with the engineers and property managers in a timely manner. They should also be able to work around tenants, which can be difficult for some roofers.

When starting out as a commercial roofer, it is best to start bidding on smaller jobs. This will allow you to gain experience and build a reputation, and it will be easier to handle any mistakes that you make. It is also safer from a liability perspective. It is more difficult to recover from a costly mistake on a large building than it is on a small office building.

Storm Chaser

When you hear about storm chasers, you might think of extreme weather enthusiasts who seek thrills by following tornadoes for fun. But these individuals also exist in the roofing industry, and their purpose is to sway people into purchasing new roofs through scare tactics. This phenomenon is called “storm chasing.”

These contractors travel from state to state, looking for neighborhoods hit hard by severe weather. They target areas affected by hail, wind and rain and use computer programs to estimate damage before contacting homeowners. Then they go door to door offering free inspections, and they pressure the homeowner into signing a contract that allows them to deal directly with the home insurance company to get paid for their services. Once they get their money, they move on to the next neighborhood.

A good way to avoid being a victim of a storm chaser is to work with a local roofer, someone you know or who is recommended by family or friends. It’s also a good idea to ask for proof that the roofing contractor is licensed and insured. Check their vehicles for license plates that indicate they are not from your community, and always ask if they have a local physical address and business cards.

If you suspect a roofer is a storm chaser, ask them to provide proof of their insurance and references from past jobs. And don’t give them your personal information, as this can be used against you if they try to bilk you out of your insurance claim.

It’s also important to know that reputable roofing contractors do not pressure you into signing a contract right away. It’s a good idea to take your time and shop around for quotes from several different companies. It’s also a good idea not to work with a roofer that offers you an all-inclusive price, as this may be a sign that they are trying to inflate the amount of damages.

One of the biggest red flags to watch out for is if a roofer shows up at your home with tools and begins inspecting your roof without a ladder. You should never let anyone climb on your roof who you don’t know. Also, be wary of roofers who pound on the shingles and metal with golf balls or hammers to create artificial damage for the sake of collecting an insurance payout.

Retail Sales

Roofers that offer retail sales services tend to be large enough to have multiple crews available. They may also have access to a wide range of roofing materials, which allows them to offer different options at competitive prices. They are also likely to be able to work with homeowners’ insurance companies, if needed. These types of roofers can handle both insurance and non-insurance jobs, large and small projects, and often provide a point person on site throughout the process to answer questions, interface with the crew, and make sure everything is going as planned.

The data from this year’s survey shows that roofing contractors remain focused on enhancing their existing customer relationships. One way they do this is by upselling customers on additional products and services, such as roofing maintenance, coatings, skylights and more. This is a great opportunity for roofers to build value and demonstrate that they are truly concerned about their customers’ needs and concerns. They can convey this value by educating customers on how their roofing services will help solve problems and achieve goals.


Your roof is a vital part of your home, protecting you and your belongings from the elements. It is also a valuable asset that can increase the curb appeal of your property. However, like any other part of your house, your roof needs to be maintained and repaired. Proper maintenance procedures can help prolong the life of your roof and save you money on expensive repairs in the future.

To protect your roof from moisture and water damage, you should inspect it on a regular basis to find any problems that need to be addressed. This inspection should include checking the shingles to ensure they are not missing or cracked. It is also a good idea to check the caulking around chimneys and vent pipes. These areas are where most leaks occur. If the caulking is cracked or dried out, it should be replaced.

You should also inspect the roof for accumulated debris that could clog drains or cause the roofing surface to deteriorate prematurely. You should also trim tree branches that hang over your roof, especially during heavy storms. This can prevent tree limbs from breaking off during storms and damaging the roof.

It is recommended that you conduct a roof inspection at least twice a year. This will help you identify and address any minor issues before they become major problems. If you are unable to safely access your rooftop, it is a good idea to hire a professional to do the inspection. This will help you avoid any potential injuries and make your roof last longer.

Inspecting your roof can also be a great opportunity to do some spring cleaning. In addition to removing any debris, you can also clean the gutters and downspouts. This will help to ensure that the water from your roof has a clear path and does not back up into your house. It is a good idea to do this before any rainfalls or storms. You should also make sure that the drainage system is working properly and that there are no clogged drains or vents.

Cleaning Services

Grease Trap Maintenance and Cleaning

Grease Trap Perth and interceptors are effective grease management solutions – but only if they’re properly maintained. Without regular emptying and cleaning, accumulated grease waste can solidify, creating blockages and reducing trapping capacity.

This can lead to costly repairs for the sewer system, disruptions for staff and customers, fines for non-compliance with regulations and environmental harm. This is why it’s important to follow EPA guidelines for grease trap requirements.

A grease trap is a plumbing device that captures fats, cooking oils and grease (FOG) from your kitchen drain and prevents them from entering your sewer system. These devices are often installed in restaurants and commercial kitchens but can also be found in some residences as well. They can be either internal or external and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs. There are many DIY tutorials online that provide step-by-step instructions for installing a grease trap yourself but it is recommended to use a licensed plumber. This will ensure your grease interceptor is properly installed and meets any local regulations or manufacturer guidelines.

If not cleaned regularly, the contents of your grease trap can overflow into your kitchen and into the surrounding area. This can create a health and safety hazard as well as cause blockages in your kitchen drains. FOG is also a common cause of thousands of sanitary sewer overflows across the country every year.

Keeping your grease trap clean is therefore an important task in any restaurant, commercial kitchen or other foodservice establishment. Grease traps need to be emptied and pumped out regularly, usually at least once per week. The frequency will depend on the size of the trap, how much you cook and the number of people using your kitchen. A professional grease trap cleaning service provider will be able to help you determine the best schedule for your needs.

Your grease trap will usually consist of two chambers connected by a tube. The first chamber holds the grease, allowing it to solidify and eventually float to the top of the trap. Water and other non-greasy waste then passes into the second chamber where it is separated from the FOG and flows into the sewage system.

When the first chamber gets full, your grease interceptor will need to be emptied. This can be done through the outlet fitting and cap or through a separate manhole cover which is typically located around 18 inches away from the base of the trap.

There are a few different methods of pumping your grease trap but the most important factor is to make sure it is done regularly. You should find out what the pumping regulations are in your municipality and use a service provider that is familiar with these requirements. Some companies will simply remove the FOG from the trap and then return it to your kitchen while others will empty the entire trap, dry it out and then haul it away.

How Does a Grease Trap Work?

Many cities require grease traps for restaurants and other food preparation establishments to keep fats, oils and greases (FOG) out of sewer waste systems. Because FOG can block sewer pipes and lead to sanitary sewer overflows, which are a major health and safety risk, municipalities are often required to inspect these receptacles regularly. Grease traps, also known as grease interceptors, work by separating animal and vegetable fats from other kitchen wastewater. They consist of a receptacle with a baffle wall and a drain inlet and outlet. Most commercial kitchens use one or more of these receptacles, with smaller variations designed to connect individual sinks and larger ones installed to serve entire facilities.

When kitchen wastewater flows into the grease trap, it passes through a flow rate controller and into an inlet pipe. The receptacle then slows the water down significantly, which separates the wastewater into layers. Solids settle on the bottom, wastewater in the middle and FOG on top. The cooled and solidified FOG can then be removed manually or automatically using a pump, skimming device or other grease removal method.

During the course of operation, FOG can build up in the receptacle until it is full or overflows. As a result, it is important to clean the grease trap on a regular basis, typically every 3 months or more frequently. A dirty trap can create a foul odor and overflows that are costly and hazardous to customers and employees. FOG in the sewer system can also cause clogs, backups and other issues.

The frequency of cleaning a grease trap varies depending on how much your establishment produces. During busy seasons when more waste is washed down the drains, you will likely need to clean the trap more often to prevent clogging and avoid frequent overflows.

Once the trap is cleaned, it should be pumped and the captured grease and other materials should be disposed of properly. Be sure to partner with a service provider that provides safe and responsible disposal of the grease, as illegally dumping the material can be fined by the city.

How Do I Clean a Grease Trap?

The best way to keep your grease trap in good working condition is to clean it on a regular basis. Depending on how much your restaurant uses it, your trap should be cleaned every 1-3 months to prevent buildup. Keeping your grease trap clean can help you avoid plumbing issues, unpleasant odors, and expensive sewer cleanup services.

Begin by turning off all water sources that drain into the grease trap. Next, use a heavy-duty scraper to remove solid waste from the trap. Be sure to dispose of this waste properly according to local regulations. Once the trap is empty, flush it with a high-pressure hose to wash away any remaining debris.

Once the trap is fully cleaned, it’s important to test it for proper operation. A grease trap must be able to separate wastewater from FOGs. If the FOGs are not separated properly, they can flow downstream into your business and clog pipes or the municipal sewage system, resulting in costly clean up and repair.

Grease traps must also be inspected and pumped out on a regular basis. If your trap is leaking FOGs into the surrounding environment, or if you’re experiencing frequent odors, it may be time to invest in a new one.

Another sign that your grease trap isn’t working correctly is when the wastewater isn’t flowing freely through it. If this is happening, it’s important to contact a professional grease trap cleaning service right away.

Many companies offer a full range of professional grease trap maintenance and cleaning services. Expert technicians will visit your site and perform a thorough cleaning using specialized equipment, ensuring that even hard-to-reach areas are clean. They’ll also provide you with detailed reports and a history of your grease trap cleanings, so you can stay on top of your maintenance schedule. Then, when the time comes, you’ll be able to show your municipality proof that your grease traps are being cleaned regularly. Using a professional grease trap cleaning service can also help you avoid the hefty fines that are often associated with unclean or over-filled grease traps.

What Equipment Do I Need to Clean a Grease Trap?

When a grease trap needs to be cleaned, it is important that the proper equipment is used. Using the wrong equipment can result in costly repairs and/or fines. It is also important that the grease is disposed of properly. Failure to do so can lead to health code violations and put animals, fish, and humans at risk. If a business does not have the proper equipment to handle the disposal of grease, it may be better to hire a professional commercial plumber.

First, the grease trap must be drained. This can be done by using a bucket or small pump to remove the water from the bottom of the trap. Once this has been completed, the waste can be removed from the trap and placed in a water-tight garbage bag for disposal. It is recommended that you use a face mask during this process. Next, the trap must be inspected. It is a good idea to take photos or draw a diagram of the trap’s different parts before you begin. This will help you remember where each part goes when it comes time to re-install them after cleaning.

The grease trap must then be scoured with a steel pot scrubber and soapy water to remove any remaining solidified waste. It is also a good idea to flush the trap with clean water. This will eliminate any bad odors and help to keep any material that was knocked free but not yet removed from accumulating quickly. Once the trap is cleaned, it should be emptied and the contents disposed of by a licensed grease hauler.

While cleaning a grease trap can seem like a messy and unpleasant task, it is a necessary one for any commercial kitchen. Using the proper equipment will ensure that the trap is clean and functioning properly. If you are unsure of how to properly clean and dispose of your grease trap, it is always best to call a professional commercial plumber. They will be able to provide you with the services you need to meet your FOG management regulations and avoid fines or shutting down your business.

Business Services

Tree Cutting – How to Cut a Vertical Tree Branch Correctly and in a Safe Manner

Tree cutting can be a dangerous job, and it’s important to understand how the process works. The first step in a safe tree cutting procedure is evaluating the situation and clearing away obstructions. This includes removing brush and making sure that you have two escape routes in case the tree falls on them. Contact Tree Cutting Irvine CA now!

Assess the Tree’s Condition

Trees are living organisms that can suffer from disease and pest infestation, so it’s important to evaluate their condition periodically. ISA-Certified arborists can perform health assessments to help homeowners identify any problems and determine if a tree is safe or not. If a tree is in poor health or showing signs of structural failure, it should be removed immediately before it causes damage or injury.

The first step in a health assessment is looking at the soil and root collar of the tree to see if there are any signs of weakness, discoloration or fungi. If there are no visible issues, the next step is examining the trunk of the tree to look for any wounds or missing bark. Large swaths of missing bark are often a warning sign of serious problems, like cavities or heart rot. If there are any mushrooms growing on the trunk, this could be an indication of a lack of air circulation.

After assessing the soil and root collar, the ISA-Certified arborist will move up the tree to examine the crown for any damage or signs of disease. They will also check the structure of the tree, focusing on the trunk and major branches. Generally, the ideal situation is to have a well-formed, balanced canopy with no large holes or gaps. Branches that are growing too close to the ground or encroaching on buildings should be pruned or removed as soon as possible to prevent future damage.

If a tree has a disease or pest problem, it’s crucial to call an ISA-Certified arborist right away. These professionals can provide expert advice and recommendations about the best course of action. If the problem is severe enough, the tree may need to be cut down.

Lastly, it’s essential to assess whether the tree is near any power lines. If it is, do not attempt to fell the tree until the power company has been notified and the lines have been cleared of any potential hazards. It is very dangerous to work on a live line, and only qualified professionals should be doing so.

Determine the Drop Zone

Before starting the actual cutting process, a crew should establish a clear communication strategy for identifying where the drop zone will be. This is crucial to help mitigate the number of struck-by injuries, which are one of the most common fatalities in the tree-trimming industry. These incidents are usually caused when limbs, trees or hand tools fall out of the tree during pruning and strike workers on the ground below. By establishing a clear communication strategy, securing power tools and defining the drop zone, workers can prevent such incidents.

The exact location of the drop zone will depend on a variety of factors, such as the species and weight of the tree being cut, terrain anomalies and weather conditions. It should be at least two times the size of the section that will be cut and be free of any obstacles. In addition, the team should review and agree upon an escape route plan in case something goes wrong. This should include both a physical path and an electronic communications system.

During the cutting, only employees who are directly involved in the operation should be within the drop zone. This includes the climber, faller and EWP operator. If any other personnel are in the area, they should be wearing personal protective equipment and only under the control of a qualified tree worker. If necessary, a traffic control plan should be established to guide vehicles and pedestrians away from the site.

Make the Horizontal Cut

When you want to cut down a tree for any reason whether it’s dead, in the way of your home or simply because it’s too big, it must be done correctly. It’s always best to consult a professional, but if you have the right equipment and skills, you can fell your own tree safely.

The first step is to make a directional notch. A directional notch is an angled chunk of wood removed from the side of the tree with two cuts, creating a hinge that can control where the tree falls. This must be made on the side of the tree you wish to fall and should be done at a comfortable height, between shoulder and waist height for most people.

After making your directional cut, you’ll need to saw off any branches that are hanging over the drop zone. These can be dangerous and should be removed as soon as possible. You’ll also need to remove any stumps from the base of the tree. Depending on the size of the stumps, this can be difficult and should be done with care to avoid injury or damage to your property or neighbour’s.

A horizontal cut must then be made from the opposite side of your directional notch, this is called the back cut. This disconnects almost all of the tree from the stump leaving a hinge that will help control where the tree falls. This should be made at a distance that will leave you a safe distance away from the falling tree in case it does not go as planned.

When cutting your back cut, it’s important to keep your stance solid and brace yourself against the tree in case it starts to roll. It’s also a good idea to sound it out with your axe before making the final cut. This will let you know if it’s hollow and will be easier to saw through, or if it’s solid and might be more difficult.

Once you’ve made your back cut, insert a tree-felling wedge into the cut and make sure it is pointing in the direction you want the tree to fall. This will prevent the tree from moving or changing its direction while it’s falling. Once you’re satisfied that the wedge is in place, you can start to make your final vertical cut.

Make the Vertical Cut

Tree cutting can be a dangerous job. There are so many things that can go wrong from slippery conditions to hidden power lines and heights; it’s a job best left for professionals who have the skills, tools, and training to get it done safely. This article focuses on how to cut a vertical tree branch correctly and in a safe manner.

Before you start cutting, assess the tree and its surroundings. Look at the way it’s leaning, its height, and any structures or other trees near it that might interfere with its fall. You should also make sure there are clear escape routes from the site in case something goes wrong.

After assessing the tree and its surroundings, you should decide where you want it to fall. Then, select a spot in the felling zone and make a notch on that side of the tree. The notch should be a little wider than the branch you’re cutting and about one-fifth of the trunk’s diameter. The notch will create a hinge that allows you to control the direction of the tree’s fall.

The next step is to prepare the area around the notch by clearing away anything that could be harmed by the falling tree. This includes any structures that might be hit, as well as any debris that might fly off when the tree falls.

Once you’re ready to begin cutting, stand on the uphill side of the tree to avoid being pinned by a shifting trunk. Begin with a cut about 15 inches above the branch collar and then work down toward the bottom of the branch. Once you’ve cut halfway through the branch, you’ll need to start limbing, which is the process of removing branches and limbs from the tree.

Most newbies will remove any branches that are facing up, but this is a bad idea. This will leave a deep wound on the tree that’s prone to water accumulation and improper callus growth, which can cause it to rot quickly. If you’re not sure how to trim a tree or you need help with a more complicated job, contact us for professional services.